Monday, 14 February 2011

Some Updates

We can start with the exciting news: after several months of searching, I have finally been offered an 8-week internship in Frankfurt at StateStreet, though I'm not entirely sure what my role will be there; hopefully my chronic lack of financial experience won't count against me too much. My general attitude that common sense tends win out may in fact help, though whether this is wishful thinking on my part remains uncertain. Indeed, while at AGI Lux, I managed to acquire a sufficient amount of knowledge to allow me to survive the month of desperate tedium and lack of work - this time, however, I'll actually have to do things, which is both a breath of fresh air and positively cheeky on their part; expecting me to work? Dear me...

Re French things, I discovered a suitably exciting salon du thé yesterday; it basically involved wandering into some chap's (converted, I hasten to add) house, ordering a hot beverage from a friendly man with an intruiging beard and plonking yourself down on his eclectic collection of settees and armchairs with gay abandon. I had a "thé chocolat épices"  (chocolate and spice tea), which, to be honest, tasted of neither spices nor chocolate, but had the reassuring presence of fruit tea, whereby you're sure there's a satisfying taste somewhere, but your tongue hasn't quite located it. All in all, I was impressed, and will definitely be returning.

Looking back over some of my previous posts, it appears that I have fallen prey to the Eton comma; I suspect this only offends me, but if it does happen to irritate any of you (of my roughly 3, I imagine) readers, I urge you to accept it as being intentional; I can justify it (ish) by using the somewhat conversational tone of my posts.

That's all for now,

Charlie x

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